24/7 Locksmith Magnetic Keys Emergency Lock Change

Magnetic Keys & Locks

What is a magnetic key and lock, and how do they work? A magnetic key operates with a north and south magnetic component that interact to align the tumblers to open the lock. Thus, they require not external force such as electricity or electronics. These types of lock have many useful applications. Magnetic locks can be set for automated function. Essentially, there are simple magnetic locks and keys for padlocks and furniture units. As well, there are magnetic door lock that run on electricity and would need a power disruption back up plan. Maglock is the most popular brand. 

Safety Locks and keys

Overall, these locks are ideal for emergency exits as they can be set to automatically disengage in the case of a fire or any other emergency. Moreover, they are safe and also secure. 


The electromagnet is located in or on the door frame and hold the door by magnetism. This needs a constant stream of power. 

Armature Door Plate

A metal door plate located on the door which will hold it shut by attracting the magnet. 

Therefore, these locks can be operated by a special key, key pad, card reader or remote cell phone access. Overall, making them excellent for offices or business operations. 

Advantages and disadvantages

Magnetic locks are safe and secure and create a safe space for your employee. Moreover, they can be set to automatically disengage in the case of emergencies. Disadvantages of automated disengagement of the lock due to a power failure will leave the property unsecure. Therefore it is ideal to have a plan in action in case of this event. 

Locksmith Melbourne

Our qualified and experienced locksmiths can assist you with the installation, set up and maintenance of your magnetic lock system. We are available for same day assessment and lock service. Commercial Locksmith in Melbourne is ready and on call!