New Home Lock Change
What can be the major considerations when you either, move into a newly purchased home or a new rental home. What would determine the type and security level of the locks you might want to change to, or whether changing out the complete locks is even necessary! Check below for some main considerations:
Newly built home lock change
There is a high probability that the keys for you new home built are in the possession of the contractor or sub-contractors. Even if they have no bad intent, it is advisable to either rekey the locks or change them completely. Rekeying is less expensive and essentially it will change the existing locks to a new key and the old key will no longer work. Otherwise, you may have some style of new lock in mind that you would want to change to due to higher security or a nicer aesthetic. Moreover checking the crime rates and B & E rates in your new neighborhood may help you decide. Check Here
Previously owned home purchase
Again, as mentioned a rekey is a great and secure option for a pre-owned home. Although, it will be best to have the locks checked for proper function and maintenance. Moreover, it is important to check the door frames and door integrity of you new home. Furthermore, window locks need to be address in regards to function or missing keys. la
Moving into a new home rental unit
Overall, renting a home can be more important for extra security and concerns regarding un-returned keys. Most landlords will rekey the lock for each new tenant. Although, you may want better security than the property already has. Of course, an agreement made on the locks and key with the landlord differs from rental to rental. Questions to ask can be who will rekey the locks, can you add or change locks and will the landlord keep a key for emergency. Moreover, what is the procedure in the case of faulty locks or house lock out? It is advisable to run through all of these issues before you rent the property. Mostly, these issue regarding locks and security can be overlooked in the rental process.